Mallory Grimste, LCSW - Mental Health Therapist for Teens and Young Adults

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6 Must Know Signs of Self Harm in Teenagers

⚠️ Content Warning: This video contains content related to Self Harm. Please take the appropriate steps to protect your mental health + expectations. In the US you can text the Crisis Text Line 24/7 at 741-741.

Noticing the signs of Self Harm in Teenagers can help get teens linked with the right care and support before it gets worse.

Help for Self-Harming Teens is out there- Therapy can help!

This video explains 6 must know signs of self harm in teenagers.

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Help for Self-Harming Teens is out there

Therapy can help!

Keep Reading for the 6 must know signs of self harm in teenagers….

Noticing these signs can help teens who struggle with self-harm link with mental health supports sooner.

Here are the 6 Must Know Signs of Self Harm in Teeangers:

  1. Wearing long-sleeve shirts or pants, even in warm weather. - they keep it a secret

  2. Unpredictable mood swings, or difficulty managing their emotions - being diagnosed with a mood disorder and/or trauma increases their risk- They are angry/irritable, breakdown easily, or easily offended or hurt

  3. They may make jokes about self-harm, death or dying.

  4. Withdraw from others - They feel embarrassed; shame- not participating in their hobbies

  5. They don’t feel stable of secure in themselves - they may question their purpose for living, or what the meaning of life is- they can be quite introspective

  6. You find harmful objects in their room or belongings that don’t make sense for them to have.

If you’re ready to start seeing a therapist, make sure you reach out to someone local to you. If you happen to live in the Woodbridge, CT area, we’d love to connect with you here:

If you are concerned that you, or someone you know, may be considering killing themselves, please connect them with help.



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