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“Control Your Feelings Like a Therapist”

3 simple secrets I wish I had when I was a teenager


with Mallory Grimste, mental health therapist and creator of the Self Care Bundle and Coping Skills Crash Course programs.


Control Your Feelings Like a Therapist

Friday, April 14th @ 2:30pm Eastern Time

But that’s OK- I’ll still send you the replay.

During this FREE Digital Hangout, I revealed three powerful secrets you can use to take control of your emotions so you can confidently speak your mind without worrying about what others might think, and feel more understood and appreciated by those around you.

Here's a sneak peek 👀

Young adult female friends listening to music through their smartphone outdoors image-from-rawpixel-id-384353-jpeg.jpg

✔️ Secret 1:

"The Simple (even Boring) Step That Always Works" 🤨

✔️ Secret 2:

"Say Goodbye to Emotional Chaos: How Mindfulness Can Help You Get Off the Rollercoaster and Stay Grounded" 😌

✔️ Secret 3:

"The Rock Solid Foundation You Can Build On So You Can Keep Showing Up For Yourself (even in hard times)" 💪

… plus a special judgment-free Q+A with Mallory where you can ask questions, gain valuable insights, and connect with others on a similar path


And that's not all!!


One lucky viewer who showed up LIVE received free access to the Coping Skills Crash Course.

*This program is packed with mood-altering strategies to help you ditch the drama so you can feel calmer and in control on even your most ridiculously chaotic days.


So what are you waiting for??

Click the “Notify Me” button so you don't miss out on this game-changing experience.


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