Mallory Grimste, LCSW - Mental Health Therapist for Teens and Young Adults

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Do YOU need to go to group therapy weekly?

One Hundred and Sixty Eight

that’s how many hours you each get in a week

Most teens go to school for about 6 hours a day. Once you add in about 8 hours for sleep (yes, I know I’m being generous) you’re already down to just 82 hours.

So does group therapy really have to be weekly?

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I know your time is sacred and precious

especially when you’re a teenager.

There are so many things competing for your time and energy.

How many of these can you check off?

✅ school

✅ homework

✅ friends

✅ family

✅ sports

✅ sleep

… and so much more! ✅✅✅

Plus your schedules change all the time!

Fitting it all in can be rough…

I call this Scheduling Tetris. Have you played before? 🤣

So why do you need to go every week?

Well, I don’t need to tell you that group therapy is so powerful for teens. You get the opinions, experience, and input of other teens right then and there.

Here all the things you need to consider regarding attending Group Therapy weekly:

  • “Use it or lose it”

    You get what you put in. It’s kind of like signing up for a gym membership. You don’t get fit just by being a member- you still have to show up and work out.

  • Crisis/Relapse Prevention

    By continuing to learn and use strategies and insights gained every week, it’s less likely you’ll experience a flare-up. And if you do, you’ll have your new knowledge fresh and ready to go.

  • Consistency

    As human beings, we LOVE homeostasis. That means we like things to stay the same. It’s the reason why we love routines. Knowing that you have a dedicated day/time for group therapy means it makes it easier to plan out your schedule.

  • Building relationships

    Did you know that over and over again, the #1 factor in any successful therapy is the relationship you have with your therapist? It’s true! When it comes to group therapy, the relationships you build with the other group members is so important, too.

  • FOMO

    FOMO is the “Fear of Missing Out.” It happens when we worry or feel like we’ve been left out. Part of the power of Group Therapy is feeling connected and part of the crew. When you miss a week, or several, it can make it feel difficult to return or show up again because you may find yourself worrying about all the things you missed.

  • Trust and safety

    How do you build relationships? By building trust and safety. How do you build trust? By taking small risks to show up and be yourself over time. When you do this, and the others present to accept and respect who you are- it feels safe to show up and be yourself. Pretty powerful stuff, right!?

Interested in learning more about Teen Girl Therapy Group?

You should click the button below:

If you are concerned that you, or someone you know, may be considering killing themselves, please connect them with help.



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