4 Ways to Have Fun When You're Young, Bored, Depressed and Broke

The media does a GREAT job of telling you that you have to spend money in order to feel happy and entertained, but that’s just NOT TRUE!

In this video I’m telling you 4 ways you can have fun by yourself when you’re young, bored, broke and depressed.

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Prefer to read? Here’s the full list:

  1. Listen to music and create a new dance. It’s a GREAT workout and boosts your endorphins.

  2. Give yourself a crazy makeover.

  3. Do something creative.

  4. Spend some time getting to know yourself by journaling or meditating.


If you are concerned that you, or someone you know, may be considering killing themselves, please connect them with help.



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Mallory Grimste

Mental Health Counseling for Teens and Young Adults physically located in CT or NY.